About Dental Sedation
Intra-venous sedation is widely used in the dental and medical professions.
It is a way of helping patients relax during procedures that:
-Cause anxiety
-Are unpleasant
-Are of long duration.
A sedative is given into a vein, usually in your arm. The drug that is used is similar to Valium. They create a feeling of relaxation, and drowsiness. They also have an anti-anxiety effect. Local anaesthetic is used to ensure there is no pain.
You are not put to sleep during IV sedation; however, many patients are relaxed to the point of falling asleep. You will be aware of the dentist working on you, however, and it is important to not be expecting to be totally asleep. We will talk to you and check that you are comfortable during the procedure. You will normally have very little or no memory of the procedure.
Your pulse, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels are monitored throughout the procedure.